On 2022-02-07 11:04 pm, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
\markup {\hspace #70 \fontsize #2 {\italic {Au Rondeau puis au premier}}}
For right-alignment, you should use \fill-line: %%%% \markup \fill-line { \null \italic "Lorem ipsum..." } %%%%
I could do this by adding the text as a markup to one of the notes in the bottom staff of Rondeau II, but then it's too close to the score block.
You could use a RehearsalMark at the very end with appropriate padding: %%%% \paper { #(set-paper-size "a5") } Rondeau.I = { R1*13 \bar "||" } Rondeau.II = { R1*13 \bar "||" } Bourree.I = { R1*13 \bar "|." } \score { \header { piece = "Rondeau I" } { \Rondeau.I } } \score { \header { piece = "Rondeau II" } { \Rondeau.II \tweak break-visibility #end-of-line-visible \tweak direction #DOWN \tweak font-size #0 \tweak padding #2 \tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT \mark \markup \italic "Repeat Rondeau I" } } \score { \header { piece = "Bourree I" } { \Bourree.I } } %%%% -- Aaron Hill