> Le 6 févr. 2022 à 18:39, Trinton <trinton.k.pra...@gmail.com> a écrit : > > Hi folks, > > Since adding dashed slurs to my score using the \slurDashed command, I've > been unable to concatenate the segments of my score, getting this error: > [48]ERROR: Wrong type (expecting exact integer): #<Translator > Trill_spanner_engraver > > I've not been able to find any hints about this message in the docs. What's > especially perplexing is that my individual segments render fine on their > own, this error only shows up during concatenation. I'll link to the files in > question in case there's something in them that I'm missing: > Score: https://github.com/tr1nt0n/trio/blob/master/trio/build/trio_score.ly > > Segment for concatenation: > https://github.com/tr1nt0n/trio/blob/master/trio/build/04.ly > > Segment illustration: > https://github.com/tr1nt0n/trio/blob/master/trio/segments/04/illustration04.ly > > Stylesheet: > https://github.com/tr1nt0n/trio/blob/master/trio/build/trio-stylesheet.ily > > Script used to run lilypond: > https://github.com/tr1nt0n/trinton/blob/main/scripts/run-lilypond > > Thanks for any help! > Trinton
As far as I can read your files from a phone, they are using stuff outside of the repository. Please provide an archive or something with all the files needed to compile your score so that we can reproduce the issue. Thanks, Jean