Hello Omid, Maybe something like this could work.
Cheers, Valentin Am Montag, 24. Jänner 2022, 20:56:11 CET schrieb Omid Mo'menzadeh: > Hello all. > I am trying to create some sort of tablature for Kalimba, treating it like > a one-string instrument with fret-labels. I want to use letters like c, ċ, > ċ̇ (or c𐽉), etc. I figured there are Unicode characters to do exactly > that, "combining dot above" and "combining two dots above", etc. However, > LilyPond does not seem to be able to render "combining two dots above", and > two "combining dot above" characters (rendered correctly by my browser, as > well as Emacs) result in the two dots to be rendered almost on top of each > other in LilyPond. I have attached a rather minimal example. > > I would appreciate any other solutions to this problem, or a way to fix the > rendering issue. > > Thanks everyone.
%%% minimal example start \version "2.22.1" notes = \relative c' { \time 3/4 c c' c' | } #(define (normalize-pitch pitch) (let* ((octave-r (ly:pitch-octave pitch)) (nn-r (ly:pitch-notename pitch)) (octave (+ octave-r (quotient nn-r 7))) (nn (modulo nn-r 7)) (alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))) (if (< alt -1/2) (normalize-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 -1 1/2))) (if (> alt 1/2) (normalize-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 1 -1))) (if (= alt 1/2) (if (or (= nn 2) (= nn 6)) (normalize-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 1 -1))) (ly:make-pitch octave nn alt)) (if (= alt -1/2) (if (or (= nn 3) (= nn 0)) (normalize-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 -1 1/2))) (ly:make-pitch octave nn alt)) (ly:make-pitch octave nn alt))))))) #(define (transpose-by-semitone pitch st) (normalize-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 (/ st 2))))) #(define (fret-letter-tablature-format-kalimba context string-number fret-number) (let* ((string-tuning (list-ref (ly:context-property context 'stringTunings) (1- string-number))) (pitch (transpose-by-semitone string-tuning fret-number)) (root (make-translate-scaled-markup '(0 . -0.5) (note-name->markup pitch #t))) (dotc (quotient fret-number 12)) (dotm (markup #:with-dimensions '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0) #:center-align #:pattern dotc X 0.2 #:musicglyph "scripts.staccato")) (comb-mu (markup #:override '(direction . 1) #:override '(baseline-skip . 0.8) #:dir-column (#:center-align root dotm)))) comb-mu)) \score { << \new StaffGroup = "tab with traditional" << \new Staff = "standard" \with { midiInstrument = "kalimba" instrumentName = "Kalimba" } << \clef "treble" \context Voice = "music" \notes >> \new TabStaff = "tab" \with { stringTunings = \stringTuning <c'> tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format-kalimba } << \tabFullNotation \context TabVoice = "tab" \notes >> >> >> } %%% minimal example end
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