Le 22/01/2022 à 22:51, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
Hi all!
Given multiple Lilypond sources, I'm hoping to find a way to output a "diff
file" describing the musical differences *as would be perceived by a human reading
the score*. For example, given
Score #1 = \score { \new Staff << { c'1 c' } >> }
Score # 2 = \score { \new Staff \new Voice << { c'1*1/2 s2 c''1 } >> }
diff ( Score1 , Score2 ) would say [in effect] "m2: Score #1 has c'1 while Score #2
has c''1."
Because coding style, "hacks" (like c'1*1/2 s2), variable/context separation, and other
code-based differences aren't [directly] relevant, I can't just use standard text/diff tools. Is
there a way two "music streams" (oof, I'm definitely talking out my butt right now!) can
be compared in Lilypond and some/most/all of the human-perceivable musical differences be
automatically detected?
Thanks for any brainstorms, ideas, or (dare I dream!?) snippets!
You could actually output the music stream using
\include "event-listener.ly", and do a textual diff.
I guess that provides a start?