Hi Jean, Thank you so much for a detailed explanation and the solution. Both of the below solution works flawlessly.
Raj ________________________________ From: Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 4:11 PM To: Rajesh Baskar <rajes...@hotmail.com>; Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de>; lilypond-user@gnu.org <lilypond-user@gnu.org> Subject: Re: Display Question Mark at center of a measure Le 19/01/2022 à 00:40, Rajesh Baskar a écrit : > > Hi Jean, > > Here is the complete code. > Yes. Here is a simplified example: \version "2.22.1" \score { { \startMeasureCount << \hideNotes b'4 a' g' a' \new Voice { R1 } >> \stopMeasureCount } \midi { } \layout { } } What's happening here is that you are not telling LilyPond about the delimitation between your voices. Since the b'4, a', etc. are not grouped in any way, they form individual expressions. In other words, the indentation is misleading and this is interpreted as \version "2.22.1" \score { { \startMeasureCount << \hideNotes b'4 a' g' a' \new Voice { R1 } >> \stopMeasureCount } \midi { } \layout { } } Because there is \startMeasureCount at the beginning, a new Voice is started. Then you have this polyphonic construction, which spans a new Voice for each of the notes and a last one for the \new Voice { R1 }. This puts all of the notes in parallel at the same moment. Because \hideNotes happens in the voice that is continued from the beginning, it applies in this voice before the voices for the notes are branched off, so \hideNotes still affects them even though the construct is not doing what you want. The solution is simple: group the notes with braces. To end the \hideNotes, either create a new voice explicitly instead of continuing the main one, so that \hideNotes will not bleed over the following music, or insert \unHideNotes at the end. \version "2.22.1" \score { { \startMeasureCount << \new Voice { \hideNotes b'4 a' g' a' } \new Voice { R1 } >> \stopMeasureCount c'1 } \midi {} \layout {} } or \version "2.22.1" \score { { \startMeasureCount << { \hideNotes b'4 a' g' a' \unHideNotes } \new Voice { R1 } >> \stopMeasureCount c'1 } \midi {} \layout {} } Best, Jean