> On Jan 17, 2022, at 5:04 PM, Adam M. Griggs <adammgri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't tried building from development branch, but from experience, the 
> stable branch only works with JRE 11, not "11 or greater."

Yes, I did use the default stable branch.

> I use MX Linux and JRE 11 is readily available. Not sure about other 
> operating systems.

Yes, I was using 12 because that seemed to be the one Oracle's website wanted 
to send me. I'll back up to 11.

I did look in the expanded src tree and found a blue million *.java files. I 
assume that the build process needs to compile all of them. Won't I need the 
JDK for that and not just the JRE? I'm not sure; been a while since I did any 

thanks, I'll have a go

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