> On Jan 14, 2022, at 6:37 PM, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote: > > ... > Lilypond uses these GM names, which makes Lilypond a somewhat GM compatible > source. This means that as long as we use a GM compatible synth everything > should have the right sound.
I was using VLC to play it. Does this mean that VLC is not GM compatible? I was having to compile it with the tenor voice not transposed in order to get the MIDI file to play the correct notes. I had to compile again with the tenor voice transposed to get the notes to print correctly on the page. David pointed me to the \transposition keyword, and adding "\transposition f" to the "\with" clause of the English horn staff fixed the problem. Now I get correct printed output and a correct MICI file from a single compilation. But now I have another question making two questions in this post: 1) why do I need "\transpose f c \tenor" instead of "\transpose f c' \tenor"? If I use c' it goes an octave too high. 2) Is VLC GM compatible. In case it helps you to know this, the project started as notes typed in from a SATB printed page, i.e. all in C. Changing to double-reed instruments including English horn is the reason for the need to transpose the tenor part; I didn't retype those notes in the correct key. thanks again guys \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff = "oboe1" \with { instrumentName = "oboe1" midiInstrument = "oboe" } { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Staff = "oboe2" \with { instrumentName = "oboe2" midiInstrument = "oboe" } { \clef "treble" \alto } \new Staff = "EngHrn" \with { instrumentName = "enghrn" midiInstrument = "english horn" \transposition f } % get the MIDI in the correct key; pitch is absolute here: written c' sounds as f { \clef "treble" \transpose f c \tenor } % and get the score in the correct key (why c and not c'?) \new Staff = "bassoon" \with { instrumentName = "bassoon" midiInstrument = "bassoon" } { \clef "bass" \bass } >> \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 80 } }