See The score-override-auto-beam-setting function is included in LilyPond by now, so there's no need to copy the Scheme code in the answer.
The first alternative in the answer cited above can be rewritten in a slightly smoother form:
#(define-public (layout-override-auto-beam-setting setting num den) (cons (cons setting (ly:make-moment num den)) default-auto-beam-settings))
autoBeamSettings = #(layout-override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 2 8)
The problem is that you can't call it several times if you want to add several settings, since it only appends to default-auto-beam-settings. I didn't find any Scheme function that can be used within a \layout{\context{...}} to read the current value of a context property.
Graham Percival wrote:
Can I specify something like #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 3 8)
in a \layout{ \context { \Score foo }}} ?
I'd like to specify a number of irregular beaming settings in a file which can be \include'd in many other files. I know how to do that with regular \set and \override commands, but #(override-auto...) seems to behave a bit differently.
Cheers, - Graham
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