Thank you! I used \fontsize #5; it works great!
On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 3:29 PM Valentin Petzel <> wrote: > > Hello Kenneth, > > You can use markup commands like \larger (font size +1), \large (font size 1), > \huge (font size 2) or directly \fontsize #number text. > > The advantage of \larger is that it is relative to the previous size. > > Cheers, > Valentin > > Am Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021, 00:12:17 CET schrieb Kenneth Wolcott: > > Hi; > > > > I know how to engrave small directives (such as "rit.", "dim.", etc; > > but I don't know how to create huge text directives like "To Coda" and > > "D.S. al Coda".