Le 17/12/2021 à 16:22, Molly Preston a écrit :
Someone helped with fixing the 8va so it didn't repeat 8va after the line break. However, it is producing a solid line where the 8va is, but only in this one place:

 \version "2.22.1"
 upper = {
 #(define (my-callback grob)
  (let* (
         ; have we been split?
         (orig (ly:grob-original grob))
         ; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
         (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
 (ly:spanner-broken-into orig) '() )))
   (if (and (>= (length siblings) 2)
             (not (eq? (car siblings) grob)))
     (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text #f)
     (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil (ly:ottava-bracket::print grob)))))
\time 5/4
    \override Staff.OttavaBracket.after-line-breaking = #my-callback
     dis'''8\(  \ottava #1 <dis''' dis''''> 8 < ais'' ais''' >2 ~ < ais'' ais''' >\)   |
                   \ottava #0
                   \time 6/8
                      \tempo \markup { \concat  { "Like a lullaby"  \hspace #0.75 \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {8}  #UP
      " = "
        \hspace #0.5
      ca. \hspace #0.5  "100"
    % \once \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-5
    \time 6/8
                   dis'''4. _\markup {\dynamic mp {\italic dolce } } \( ~ dis'''8 gis''4 |

lower = {

  \clef treble
<gis' cis'' dis'' e'' >2. ~ <gis' cis'' dis'' e'' > 2
  \time 6/8
  fis'8\(  b ais dis' ais b \) |


  \score {
 \new PianoStaff  {
     \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
     \new Staff = "upper"{ \upper \autoBeamOff }
      \new Staff =  " lower" \lower
  \layout {
I'm not sure if I need to later the scheme code in some way to make it dotted again. Any suggestions?

This is an incarnation of

You can work around it, and make the code more
generally clean, like this:

\version "2.22.1"

#(define (ottava-bracket::print-only-if-first grob)
   (let* ((original (ly:grob-original grob))
          (siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into original)))
     (if (and (pair? siblings)
              (eq? grob (car siblings)))
         (ly:ottava-bracket::print grob))))

 upper = {
   \time 5/4
    \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #ottava-bracket::print-only-if-first      dis'''8\(  \ottava #1 <dis''' dis''''> 8 < ais'' ais''' >2 ~ < ais'' ais''' >\)   |
                   \ottava #0
                   \time 6/8
                      \tempo \markup { \concat  { "Like a lullaby"  \hspace #0.75 \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {8}  #UP
      " = "
        \hspace #0.5
      ca. \hspace #0.5  "100"

    % \once \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-5
    \time 6/8
                   dis'''4.  _\markup {\dynamic mp {\italic dolce } } ~ dis'''8 gis''4 |


lower = {

  \clef treble
<gis' cis'' dis'' e'' >2. ~ <gis' cis'' dis'' e'' > 2
  \time 6/8
  fis'8\(  b ais dis' ais b \) |


  \score {

 \new PianoStaff  {

     \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
     \new Staff = "upper"{  \upper \autoBeamOff }
      \new Staff =  " lower" \lower


  \layout {




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