
I'm just using

fis^"Pi\\`u mosso"


fis^\markup { "Pi\\`u mosso" }


Fairchild wrote:

Jeroen -

Using 2.4.3, the \char may be used as:

c^\markup {"pi" \char #249 }

It doesn't kern properly, but \hspace can correct that.

Specifically, how do you use the \\`u construct?  I can't find a way.

                            - Bruce

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Gijzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 3:44 PM
To: Mats Bengtsson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fairchild
Subject: Re: special character


Thank you for your quick response. I'm using LilyPond-2.4.5 on RH9; my text editor (gedit-2.2.0) is set to use UTF-8 when saving. I didn't quite understand how to implement the "char #249" (still a newbie), so I tried using TeX coding "\\`u" and this works wonderfully well.

Thank you so much / Tusen takk

Jeroen Gijzen

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

What version of LilyPond?
What character coding does your text editor use when saving files?


Erik Sandberg wrote:

Please tell us which verison you are using when reporting problems.

The system for markup has changed drastically lately; if you use the latest 2.5 releases, your code should work. If you use 2.4 or older, you could try to use the TeX coding for ù, I think this is something like "\\`u".

Fairchild wrote:

try \char #249

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