
I am soooo close LOL - I'm trying to replicate this:

which comes from  Faure's famous Impromptu, Op. 86, for harp. I had to use \change Staff to get the notated arpeggio beamed as in the Faure, but that kills some of the ties. The code below shows what I can do with my present knowledge:

HarpA gets the ties for the lower staff (and incidentally puts the decrescendo between the staves)

HarpB gets the ties for the upper staff (but puts the decrescendo outside the staves). The primary difference in these two is that the \change Staff commands are switched between upper and lower staff

HarpC combines the code for the two staves, but duplicate pitches result (of course)

HarpD uses s in the code to attempt to eliminate the duplicated pitches, but this breaks the continuous beaming across the staves and LP tosses an error for each s with a ~.

As I said, so close.

It'd be nice to have that phrasing slur, too (again, the \change Staff appears to break things, though I've not dug too deeply for that as yet for concentrating on getting the ties).

I know some of you have far more extensive experience with complicated piano scores, so before I dig into the Notation Reference I thought it worth a query to you to see if you have LP code that does this.


%%%% CODE%%%%

\version "2.22.0"

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    instrumentName = "HarpA"
  } <<
    \new Staff = "upperI" {
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      <d'' a' f' d'>4 _\> <e' g' c'' e''>2 \!s4 |
    \new Staff = "lowerI" {
      \clef bass
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      \stemDown <f, f>4 \grace { c,32~[ g,_~ c_~ e_~ g_~ c'_~ \change Staff = "upperI" e'_~ g'_~ c''_~] } \change Staff = "lowerI" <c, g, c e g c'>2 s4  |
  \layout { }
\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    instrumentName = "HarpB"
  } <<
    \new Staff = "upperII" {
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      <d'' a' f' d'>4 \> \change Staff = "lowerII" \grace { c,32~[ g,_~ c_~ e_~ g_~ c'_~ \change Staff = "upperII" e'_~ g'_~ c''_~] } \change Staff = "upperII" <e' g' c'' e''>2 \! s4 |
    \new Staff = "lowerII" {
      \clef bass
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      \stemDown <f, f>4 <c, g, c e g c'>2 s4  |
  \layout { }

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    instrumentName = "HarpC"
  } <<
    \new Staff = "upperIII" {
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      <d'' a' f' d'>4 \> \change Staff = "lowerIII" \grace { c,32~[ g,_~ c_~ e_~ g_~ c'_~ \change Staff = "upperIII" e'_~ g'_~ c''_~] } <e' g' c'' e''>2 \! s4 |
    \new Staff = "lowerIII" {
      \clef bass
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      \stemDown <f, f>4 \grace { c,32~[ g,_~ c_~ e_~ g_~ c'_~ \change Staff = "upperIII" e'_~ g'_~ c''_~] } \change Staff = "lowerIII" <c, g, c e g c'>2 s4  |
  \layout { }
\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    instrumentName = "HarpD"
  } <<
    \new Staff = "upperIV" {
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      <d'' a' f' d'>4 \> \change Staff = "lowerIV" \grace { s32~[ s s s s s \change Staff = "upperIV" e'_~ g'_~ c''_~] } <e' g' c'' e''>2 \! s4 |
    \new Staff = "lowerIV" {
      \clef bass
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      \stemDown <f, f>4 \grace { c,32~[ g,_~ c_~ e_~ g_~ c'_~ \change Staff = "upperIV" s s s] } \change Staff = "lowerIV" <c, g, c e g c'>2 s4  |
  \layout { }

%%%% CODE %%%%


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