Thanks to Jean's correction about quotedCueEventTypes here is a MWE that
shows why there is still a collision.
\version "2.23.5"
aa = \relative{ f'4->( 4 d4 4) f4->( 4 d4 4->) }
\addQuote qaa \aa
bb = \relative{
\set Score.quotedCueEventTypes = #'(note-event rest-event tie-event
beam-event tuplet-span-event
dynamic-event slur-event)
\cueDuring qaa #up R1
<< { \cueDuring qaa #up s1 } { \voiceOne R1 } >>
\new Staff \new Voice \bb
On 12/13/21 16:37, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Le 14/12/2021 à 00:19, Paul Scott a écrit :
On 12/13/21 16:03, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
How about:
\version "2.22.1"
aa = \relative { f'4 4 4 4 }
\addQuote qaa \aa
<< { \cueDuring qaa #down s1 } { \voiceOne R1 } >>
I need to understand voices better. My real problem has articulation
over the notes which your solution doesn't seem to see.
OK, I am at loss here.
\version "2.22.1"
{ R1 }
{ c'1 }
{ e''4 4 4 4 }
Why does this make colliding output? Does
anyone see if I am missing something?
I had tried adding the articulations to my MWE and didn't get them to
show up with quotedEventTypes.
You are using \cueDuring. The property for
that would be quotedCueEventTypes.