On 4-May-05, at 7:27 AM, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:

On Tuesday 03 May 2005 04:11 am, Graham Percival wrote:
Any guitar players here?

Could somebody supply me with a short example that demonstrates guitar
fret numbers,

It would be ****far**** more helpful to have string indications in the manual, which are standard as a ring, but not standard as to the content of the ring: (3) (Sol) (G). The numbers are better for beginners, but the letter is best for the accomplished player. I've

Huh? I don't understand -- but that doesn't really matter. If you want to
see something in the manual, please send me a short example
that demonstrates whatever you think should be in the manual.

As for "guitar fret numbers"... how should I rephrase it?  "Guitar
position and barring indications" ?

Proposed text for inclusion in the manual: ---- This example demonstrates how to include guitar position and barring indications.

\relative c {
  \clef "G_8"
  b16 d16 g16 b16 e16
  \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("XII " . "")
  b16 e16 g16 e16 b16 g16\stopTextSpan
  e16 b16 g16 d16

- Graham

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