Great, I think I understand. Thank you very much. -Tom
On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 12:48 PM Lukas-Fabian Moser <> wrote: > Hi Tom, > > Am 03.12.21 um 16:02 schrieb Tom Sgouros: > > Thanks, but I'm not sure I completely understand. What you're saying > > is that if you don't define a voice immediately, you still get one, > > but its name is nothing ("")? So in my multi-voice segment I can > > explicitly reference the voice-with-no-name as you are showing with > > the \voices construct? That makes sense, if that's correct. > > Yes, that's basically correct (I'm just not sure if the sentence "its > name is nothing" is technically correct, but anyway it's what the > situation amounts to). > > If you do \new Staff, then the music you enter is still in a "Voice" > context that is created implicitly. We could create it explicitly and > also give it a name: > > \new Staff \new Voice = main { > > % bla > > } > > and then use \voices main,2 << \\ >> for multi-voice music where the > first voice is a continuation of the "main" voice (and hence can be tied > to notes outside of << \\ >>). > > But notice what Akikazu wrote: If we use \voices with non-number id's, > LilyPond does not do the \voiceOne / \voiceOne automatically that's > responsible for stem directions, shifting etc. So we have to add them > manually, which I forgot to do in my example, unfortunately. > > Best > Lukas > >