On 11/6/21, 3:24 PM, "lilypond-user on behalf of Lukas-Fabian Moser" 
<lilypond-user-bounces+carl.d.sorensen=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
l...@gmx.de> wrote:

    > \relative {
    >    \alterBroken #'padding #'(1 7) Staff.OttavaBracket
    >    \ottava 1 c''''1 \break
    >   c2 2
    > }
    I continue my lonely crusade against the hash-tick-combinations that I 
    found so daunting when I learned LilyPond and which are needed much less 
    often today:
    \relative {
       \alterBroken padding #'(1 7) Staff.OttavaBracket
       \ottava 1 c''''1 \break
       c2 2
I love the idea that we can eliminate the hash-tick for padding.

I don't think we should eliminate the hash-tick for the values.  The 
documentation for \alterBroken says that values is a list (and that means a 
Guile list).  #'(1 7) is a Guile list.  1,7 is not (although the parser turns 
it into one).  It is straightforward to learn that #'(1 7)  is a Guile list; 
it's not nearly so straightforward to understand all of the parsing magic that 

If at any point in an input file, 1,7 will be interpreted as a list #'(1 7), 
and 1.5,10.3 will always be interpreted as #'(1.5 10.3), and 1, 7 will be 
interpreted the same as 1,7  I will withdraw my objection to this usage in 



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