I'm triyng to have the second line open at the end as the first. But with 
repeats bar at the third line the second line get a bar and if I try to 
overrite with \once \hide Staff.BarLine also the bar at the third line 
disappears. What's the correct way to do it?
Thank you.[sample.png]

minimal code:

melody = \relative c' {

\key df \major

\adjust-tempo \tempo "Slow" 4 = 56


df ef f2 ef4 f gf2 f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2. \bar "|"\break

f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.\show-barline \bar ":|."df4 c8 df ef2 ef4 gf2 gf4 
g2. \bar "|"\break

\show-barline \bar "|:"ef4 bf'2 bf4 af2 af4 df2 df4 df c ef df2. \show-barline 
\bar ":|."\break

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