Le 02/11/2021 à 00:00, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit :
Hi Jean;

   Thanks for the tip.

   I'm using Lilypond 2.22.1.

   I now have the attava bracket beneath the notes using " \override
Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #DOWN"

   BTW, I'm looking at the NR for 2.22.1 and I see "ottava #X" where,
apparently the "#" is no longer needed.

   Is it possible that this is the old notation prior to 2.22.1 (like
2.18?) that did not get updated or is the "#" just optional now?

The use of # still works of course. It is optional since
2.16, released many years ago already. With #, the argument
gets interpreted in a completely different way, involving
the Scheme interpreter, but it is equivalent in this case.


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