Whoa! What is this magic you're doing Master Moser??
- I made sure that the bf4. on "days" stays in the voice called
melody. There are various ways to do this; I chose a "modern" way
using \voices and \\ inside << >> which allows to automatically add
a "second" voice
This is a technique completely unknown to me! It is much more simple
than the
{ \voiceOne }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo {
coding that I have long used.
Much thanks!!
On 10/29/21 2:51 PM, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
Hi Kevin,
Am 29.10.21 um 21:03 schrieb Kevin Cole:
First, I'm using LilyPond v. 2.20.0. (I often seem to end up at 2.18
and 2.21 when searching for documentation -- though explicitly
changing the URL to 2.20 works.)
Yes, that's a bit of a nuisance.
Second, I guess I'm not sure what you mean by a compatible example: I
thought that's what I provided. But the URL below is what I'm trying
to convert, if that's what you mean.
Not "compatible": compilable. Something that I can paste into
Frescobaldi (or whatever editor I use) and can immediately start
working with.
If I let LilyPond compile the source you provided with your first
message, I get a bunch of error messages and no visible score.
But fortunately, the source at
is something we can work with. :-)
Looking at the scanned book you provided, it seems we get away with
two voices: One that the lyrics should be aligned to, and another one
indicating the subdivisions (probably for later stanzas).
After I started playing a bit with your source, I ended up simplifying
multiple things at once:
\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"
\layout {
global = {
\key ef \major
\time 4/4
melody = \new Voice = melody \relative {
\partial 4
ef4 ef8. f16 g4 g8. af16
\voices melody,2
{ \voiceOne bf4. bf8 \oneVoice } \\
{ bf8 bf8 bf4 }
af4 g8 af8
bf4 c4 g4 ef4
words = \lyricmode {
E -- rin re -- mem -- ber the
days of old, Ere her
faith -- less sons be
\score {
\new Staff \with { midiInstrument = violin } { \global \melody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { \words }
I'll probably forget something, but here's some of what I did:
- I replaced \addlyrics by \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody (where
"melody" is not your variable \melody, but the name melody from \new
Voice = melody).
- I made sure that the bf4. on "days" stays in the voice called
melody. There are various ways to do this; I chose a "modern" way
using \voices and \\ inside << >> which allows to automatically add a
"second" voice
- I switched voices at "days of old" corresponding to your original book
- I moved the \global stuff outside the melody
- I removed all instances of \noBeam and instead did \autoBeamOff
(which is often more useful in vocal music, especially with lots of
syllabic bits)
Does that help?
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― Aristotle