In this thread (1) we discussed how to notate the piano technique of holding down one note and changing fingers without releasing the note. Wikipedia calls this "substitution." (2) I would like to put a section in the manual that explains how to notate this. It seems to be a fairly common thing in piano music and yet there's no mention of it that I can find.
I think a quick explanation could go in the Fingering section (3) or the Keyboard Snippets section (4). Wikipedia states that this technique is used by violin players too but I don't know if it is notated the same way or not. The text would be something like: *** begin manual text Sometimes the keyboardist will want to hold down a key with one finger then change fingers without lifting the key up. This is called substitution and it can be notated several ways. With a dash between the numbers: [snippet showing a dash between fingering numbers] With a tie over or under the numbers: [snippet showing the \undertie and \overtie techniques] *** end manual text Any thoughts on this? 1. 2. 3. 4. -- Knute Snortum