On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 11:10 AM Christian <christian.mas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Knute!
> Don't know if this solution would be called clean and doesn't run in other 
> problems, but using \voiceOne and \voiceTwo inside the variables to change 
> voice-Styles seems to work for me. Had a similar problem a couple of months 
> ago.
> These were the changes I made:
> rightHandUpper = \relative {
>   \voiceOne
>   gf'4._~ gf4 f16 ef ~ |
>   \voiceTwo
>   ef4.
> }
> rightHandLower = \relative {
>   \voiceOne
>   s2.
>   bf'4.
> }
> rightHand = <<
>   \global
>   \new Voice { \rightHandUpper }
>   \new Voice { \rightHandLower }
> >>
> All the best,
> Christian

Thanks, Chritian!  It looks like where the \voiceXxx goes is not as
important as your insight that the first notes of the piece are the
second voice.  Hopefully this will work for the rest of the piece as
it has a lot of merged left hand notes.

Knute Snortum

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