Le 07/10/2021 à 22:51, Thomas Morley a écrit :
Am Do., 7. Okt. 2021 um 13:32 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr>:

Le 07/10/2021 à 11:46, Thomas Morley a écrit :
Not sure Jan-Peter's approach is the best method ...
What makes you think so?

Maybe my wording was misleading.

I tested ly->musicxml with
(1) openlilylib, i.e. Jan-Peter
(2) python-ly
(3) Frescobaldi

I thought these two were equivalent — aren't they?

(4) https://github.com/de-wolff/lilypond.git

Then tried reimporting the resulting xml-file via
(a) musicxml2ly
(b) xml2ly

All results were terrible. Here I stopped frustrated.
I did not look into any code, thus I simply don't know which one is
the most promising approach.

If you want my take: Jan-Peter's. Translators are the
only reliable way to get all special timing right (lyrics,
quoted music, combined parts, etc.) without a lot of code
duplication with iterators.


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