Hi Mahanidhi,

Am 01.10.21 um 11:44 schrieb Mahanidhi:
I'm having trouble inserting the lyrics. If they are whole words no problem but if the words are broken like: mu-sic it is very difficult to have them exactly under the corresponding note. to insert the lyric I use the command addlyric{}
Thanks for the help.

Your problem is hard to diagnose without a compilable example demonstrating your issue.

But note that for LilyPond, it's not mu-sic but mu -- sic:


\version "2.22"

\layout {
  ragged-last = ##f

\relative {
  \key e \major
  gis'8 a16 b~ b cis8 b16~ b8 fis~ 4~ | 2
} \addlyrics {
  Mu -- sic was my first love __


Although I have to admit that I managed to give an example that doesn't show LilyPond at its best: Tie directions are far from ideal here.


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