Le 28 sept. 2021 à 07:53, Ivanov Dmitry <usr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

What kind of programmed scores handling are you aiming at?

Standard piano score with 2 staves and 4 voices: 2 voices per staff.

OK, but you mentioned reading/manipulating music with programs, or did I get it wrong?

Stangely enough, opening hello2.xml with MuseScore, which displays the score alright, and then exporting it to MusicXML gives the attached hello2_FROM_MUSE_SCORE.xml  which, compiled with musicxml2ly, produces hello2_FROM_MUSE_SCORE.ly.
And the latter looks fine once compiled with LilyPond… The only real difference are the extra <voice> elements, which shouldn’t matter.
That beats me...


Attachment: hello2_FROM_MUSE_SCORE.xml
Description: XML document

Attachment: hello2_FROM_MUSE_SCORE.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hello2_FROM_MUSE_SCORE.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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