Mats -

Looking for a neat way to insert complete \header information for selected
\score blocks in a sequence of \score blocks.
Found the below message in the archives.

Did the feature ever happen?

                          - Bruce


From:   Mats Bengtsson   
Subject:        Re: new title on multiple \score blocks in same file     
Date:           Sun, 26 Oct 2003 17:40:43 +0100  

I send a copy of this to bug-lilypond since it's a feature request.

As you have noted, you will only get a new indication of piece and opus
for each subsequent \score. I agree with you that it would be great to
have some option to automatically print a number of individual parts
from a single input file. However, then you would also like a new page
for each new \score. Also, the page numbers should be reset and maybe
the layout should be changed to typeset the instrument name in the
page heading.


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