Hi Kenneth,
Am 21.09.21 um 22:57 schrieb Kenneth Wolcott:
how to do a slur (or phrasing slur) that crosses the staff (piano score)?
The slur'ed music must be in a single voice that moves between the staves:
\version "2.22"
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff = UPPER \relative {
e'2.*1/3 \change Staff = LOWER c,8( e g c \change Staff = UPPER e[ g]
<fis c'>2 b4. fis8)
\new Staff = LOWER \with { \clef bass }
<c g>4 s2 r4
a2 b
I'm cheating a bit since e'2.*1/3 shortens the note (which would me
noticeable in MIDI output). It doesn't matter if you only want printed
A more "correct" solution would invole multiple voices:
<< e'2. \new Voice { ... } >>