In addition to the other suggestions, if you are on Linux/Unix, after
using the --preview command you can convert the eps file to an image with:
ps2png <filename.eps>
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
in your file if you dont want your notes spread out over the
full line width.
Bo Herlin wrote:
Yes, but I was hoping for a "shorter" picture of the measure for
something as short as { c' d' e' f' } which results in a 627x41 pixel
image, when it could be something like 250x41.
Maurizio Tomasi wrote:
Bo Herlin wrote:
I am wondering if someone can help me figuring out how i can get a
small png or eps picture out of a small phrase of say 4 notes? I
dont want a whole page or anything, just the bar with the notes. Is
it possible?
Thanks in advance
Use --preview from the command line.
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