On Sat 11 Sep 2021 at 19:11:36 (-0700), H. S. Teoh wrote:

> I discovered that converting the pdf to ps and back again significantly
> reduces the file size.  So it's kinda my poor-man's way of compressing
> pdfs.  Of course, this only works if your pdf doesn't contain any
> features incompatible with ps, which in my case is true.  And now that I
> know that pdftops does a proper job with the conversion even when there
> is transparency, it's a sufficiently-acceptable solution to this issue.

Running any of these conversions on test-good.pdf will result in
a significantly smaller file size simply because all the textedit
information is stripped out.

I ran these processes on a 28pp production score (2.21.80, no textedit),
and the file sizes are:

407323 requiem6.pdf → pdf2ps  → 1774527 requiem6-2.ps  → ps2pdf → 548498 
(134.7%) requiem6-2.pdf

407323 requiem6.pdf →     (DAK's suggested method)     → ps2pdf → 409954 
(100.6%) requiem6-ps2pdf.pdf

407323 requiem6.pdf → pdftops → 2219804 requiem6-to.ps → ps2pdf → 371264 
(91.1%)  requiem6-to.pdf

The loss in quality caused by pdf2ps (only) is as before.


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