Understood and thanks for the clarification.


On 9/4/21 5:09 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com> writes:

David and Jerry,

I've been using the "method" shown on that Lilypond doc page for
years. I confirm that it does work for me. I can put

\set midiInstrument = #"<name>"

anywhere in a voice and LP will change the midi instrument. Which is
why I suggested it to Jerry.
\set midiInstrument = ... is the same as \set Bottom.midiInstrument = ...
and in the normal Staff, Bottom will be a Voice context in general.  So
the change in midiInstrument is only visible within a Voice and moving
the Staff_performer to Voice level lets it see that change.

But that is putting the cart before the horse.  If you want to change
the instrument used by the Staff_performer at, well, Staff level, using
\set Staff.midiInstrument = ... is the right choice.  Moving the
Staff_performer has its uses (and the example in the manual shows
exactly one such use that may be common in a partitura, namely different
_simultaneous_ instruments in a Staff), but doing it just to avoid
setting midiInstrument at Staff level is rather strange and will have
additional effects not all of which may be desirable.


“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of 
human existence.”

― Aristotle

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