Le 29/08/2021 à 21:37, Carlos R Martinez a écrit :
What is the best way to do this.
Modifying the footer so:
1. it goes flushed to the left and and
2. add an image that is to the right
footer = "Mutopia-2014/11/13-440"
copyright = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column
{ \sans \bold \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org"
<http://www.MutopiaProject.org"> { \abs-fontsize #9 "Mutopia " \concat
{ \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9
"Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column {
\abs-fontsize #11.9 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char
##x01C0 } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize
#8 \sans \concat { " Typeset using " \with-url
#"http://www.lilypond.org" <http://www.lilypond.org"> "LilyPond" " by
" \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat {
\abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " Placed in the " \with-url
<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain"> "public domain" "
by the typesetter " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, modify, and
perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } }
tagline = ##f
Thank you so much!
You should be able to do that using
\markup \fill-line {
\line {
%% Old copyright code...
\epsfile ...
Please see this documentation page: