Lukas wrote:
>>> parenthesizeMusic function
> Make that ...
> Explanation: The additional (if (pair? (cdr evs)) ...) checks if 
> there's more than one rhythmic event in the given music before 
> parenthesising the last event and cancelling the unnecessary half of 
> each pair of parentheses.
> (Why this works: evs is a list of events (a b ...). Now (cdr evs) is 
> the tail (b ...) of that list. This is non-empty iff it is a pair, 
> since scheme lists are internally nested pairs: '(1 2 3) is '(1 . (2 
> . (3 . ()))) - which is also the reason why cdr, which returns the 
> second element of a pair, returns the tail of a list.)
Thank both for the fix and the excellent explanation. Greatly 

 .. mark.

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