Hello Paul,
I can't give you a working example becauae I am not at home, but you might 
simply override BarLine.stencil. Override it with a function that uses 
ly:stencil-combine-at-edges to tie a suitable stencil to (ly:barline::print 
grob). You might need to mess a bit with the dimensions of that stencil and the 
padding for the barline.


22.08.2021 13:42:25 Paul Hodges <p...@cassland.org>:

> Encouraged by the fantastic responses to my first problem, I now offer my 
> other issue.
> The composer uses a special barline to mark the phrase pattern of a piece.  
> The form of this barline is like this:
> (MS) https://cassland.org/images/PhraseBarMS.jpg
> (Printed elsewhere) https://cassland.org/images/PhraseBarSet.jpg
> In this case I can't even think where to start...
> Thanks,
> Paul

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