On Saturday 23 April 2005 08:13 am, Bernard Hurley wrote:
> I think one of the nice things about lilypond is that it allows you to
> separate data from presentation. For instance the third note of your
> example is C sharp. This is normally represented by cis' in a lilypond
> score i.e. as data representing a particular note. How it appears in 
> final printed score depends on lots of things: key signature, what 
> precede it in the bar, whether or not it is the only part on the 
> policy on cautionary accidentals etc.. any of which I can change
> independently. Suppose you wished to incorporate your example into a
> larger work in b flat minor, but did not wish to change the key
> signature for a few bars, then you would have to edit the c' to make 
> cis'. In the end the standard lilypond representation leads to less
> problems and it can't be that difficult for a musician.

There are no problems.  I have avoided problems.  All the script does
is furnish the chromatic signs in the key sig of your choice, which
doesn't have to be the one lilypond is using.  The range is from, for
example, @key4s@ to @[EMAIL PROTECTED]  It does not change any note which is
already modified, and an 'n' preserves the original pitch.  It
produces a new lilypond input file.  Confusion comes from trying to
make a transposer out of a simple editing tool.  Of course I don't
use it with the keys of F or G, but I could.  In E, it puts "s" on f,
c, g, and d, and that's it.  It doesn't mess with fs, cf, gx, or dn,
except of course to remove the "n". If you have an "!", it stays.
Absolutely not confusing, for a musician that is.  There are fewer
errors, not more, because a musician is always aware of which notes
are accidentals and which are not, and the vast majority are not.
As I wrote before, the problems come from trying to do more.

The editing tool that I wish LilyPond would furnish is a transposer.
Of course you can transpose now, but LilyPond will not produce new
lilypond input in the new key for further editing, except by producing
midi and then converting that back.  Several have asked for that
feature over the years.  daveA

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daveA         David Raleigh Arnold          dra..at..openguitar.com

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