Several things do not work when I open the piece with version 22
Notablly, the [ sign must be after the note, not before
f'32[( df df af)] and not [f'32( df df af)]
\up is refused for me

As for the \break, _it works if you add an invisible bar _
\bar ""
before it

\voiceOne {

   f'32[( df df af)] \oneVoice f[( df df af)] f''[( df df af)] af'[( f df df)] 
\oneVoice af[( f df df)] \voiceOne af''[( f df df)] \oneVoice |

   \bar ""



Le 12.08.21 à 19:35, Rachel Green a écrit :
For some reason, the \break command doesn’t seem to be working in this example. I need a new line to start after the first measure so that all the notes of the following measure can fit on the same line. Any ideas? I’ve tried adding breaks in the cadenza section to see if they work elsewhere using \bar “” \break , but I can’t get the line to break anywhere.


\version "2.19.80"

\language "english"
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\header {
    title = \markup \fontsize #2 "Waltz"

Treble = \relative c''
  \clef treble

    \tempo "Andante"
    \time 6/8
    \key df \major
 \voiceOne [f'32( df df af)] \oneVoice [f( df df af)] \voiceOne [f''( df df af)] [af'( f df df)] \oneVoice [af( f df df)] \voiceOne [af''( f df df)] \oneVoice |
   \up \ottava #1 f'64([ df df bf af af f f \ottava #0 df df bf af af f f df df 
bf af af f f
   df df bf af af f f df f f af af bf  df df f f af af bf df df f f af af bf df df f f af af)]  |
  \break  \bar ""

\score {
  \new GrandStaff
   \new Staff = "treble" { \Treble }


Silvain Dupertuis
Route de Lausanne 335
1293 Bellevue (Switzerland)
tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67
portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52
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