Am Mi., 11. Aug. 2021 um 07:51 Uhr schrieb takumi ikeda <>:
> \version "2.22.1"
> {
>   \clef bass
>   \time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
>   r1 r4
>   r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
>   r1 r4
> }
> % The whole bar rests below are too wide.
> {
>   \clef bass
>   \time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
>   R4*5
>   r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
>   R4*5
> }

The spacing is under control of the SpacingSpanner. In your example
the shortest notes/rests are 1/32, the largest 4*5.
Thus the common-shortest-duration is small and the spacing of the MMRs
is calculated in multiples of the 1/32 spacing.
(Disclaimer: this is a shortened explanation).

Whether the MMR-spacing is too wide is a matter of taste, imho.

Though, there are possibilities to change the behaviour.

(1) Manually change common-shortest-duration
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration =
#(ly:make-moment 1/20)
  \clef bass
  \time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
  r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
Ofcourse 1/32-spacing is directly affected as well.

(2) use \newSpacingSection and adjust MultiMeasureRest.bound-padding
\newSpacingSection will start a new SpacingSpanner. Thus
common-shortest-duration will be recalculated.
MultiMeasureRest.bound-padding could be used to adjust MMR-spacing to taste.
  \override MultiMeasureRest.bound-padding = 3
  \clef bass
  \time 5/4 r8 r16. g32 f32 a32 d32 a32 r8 r2 r4
  r2 f32 d32 g32 a,32 a32 r16. r4 r4
This is the most laborious method, giving detailed control, though.


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