BTW, I'm on Lilypond 2.22 (it looks like I see something different in
2.23 regarding dim and cresc being Lilypond commands now?)

On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 2:14 PM Kenneth Wolcott <> wrote:
> Hi;
> How to write an extended dim and cresc (text, not hairpins) ,like a trillSpan?
> I have attached screenshots of the original music I am transcribing
> from to show what I am trying to engrave.
> I have the following macros defined:
> cresc = _\markup \italic "cresc."
> dimin = _\markup \italic "dimin."
> I tried adding a dash to the end of the quoted text in each macro.  I
> got an error that there was no terminating of the macro (I don't
> remember the text text of the error message).
> Where do I look in the manual for this long extension (span?) of the
> expressive mark?
> Thanks,
> Ken Wolcott

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