On 2021-08-07 2:38 am, Daniel Benjamin Miller wrote:
Thanks, Silvain, but let me clarify. I want two staffs to actually be
placed in the same exact spot. So, for instance, the five lines of
each staff should be engraved in the same spot --- but everything
within the staff should be "unaware" of this fact.
You have a few options, depending on the degree of alignment you do want
between the staves.
\version "2.22.0"
staffI = \new Staff \fixed c' { g4 a b a8 g | fis4 e f2 }
staffII = \new Staff \fixed c'' { c2 d4 b, | c4 d bes,2 }
zeroSpacing = \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0)
(padding . -inf.0) (stretchability . 0))
\new StaffGroup \with \zeroSpacing << \staffI \staffII >>
\markup \overlay {
\with-color #red \score { \staffI }
\with-color #blue \score { \staffII }
The first approach above eliminates spacing by using an extremely
negative padding to permit overlapping staves within a system. The
second approach uses \markup to overlap the stencils from two scores.
With the first option, there is still general time alignment between the
systems, which if you do want measures to line up, that would be the way
to go. With the second, each staff is completely isolated from one
another. In the example above, I added color to each staff so you can
better see the effect.
-- Aaron Hill