Jean-Jacques Rétorré a écrit :
Mats Bengtsson a écrit :
However, the main problem of your score was the tie on the
final e of the triplet. Since the next note isn't also an e,
you cannot have any tie and for some strange reason LilyPond
got confused and thought that you had a melisma extending to the
next e in the score (which never happened in your example).
I will send a bug report about this problem.
I have found a solution that fit to me:
\version "2.2.6"
\score {
\notes \relative c'' \new Staff <<
\context Voice = "upper" {\voiceOne
r8 d, \times 2/3 { d d e } g'8 g g g }
\context Voice = "lower" {\voiceTwo
\skip 2 e,2 f2 b2
\lyricsto "upper" \new Lyrics
\lyrics { et s'en al -- ler et s'en al -- ler }
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