I can easily find the manual html page but the machine I use lily on is not online and so I depend on the PDf or have depended on it for 2.18
but there seems to be no link for the pdf on the manuals page?
thank you

Thank you Sound & Silence

Beginning May 1, 2021 a new address; 1814 Lake Washington Blvd. So.,
Seattle, Wa. 98144

_206-328-7694 or messages at 206-308-8189_


and an online short (45 minute) concert of new material on Wayward in Limbo


I am looking for 2-3 dancers various abilities/disciplines for a piece
Called The Box it was scheduled for November  but we know how that has
gone. However I am interested in making videos of the moves and having
dancers work on them and the music before we can get into the same
room....... Paid rehearsals and the door divided evenly by participants.
Spread the word please.

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