To be clear, I would like to transform all of the notes in a particular part or 
staff. Ideally defining a map like an alist is it in scheme?

> \version "2.20.0"
> riff = { c' r d' r }
> <<
>   \new Staff \riff
> % \new Staff \transformOne \riff
> >>
> Where transformOne would map c’ to say e’ and d’ to g’’.

So I would expect to define transformOne something like 

((c' . e') (c' . g'’))

So I guess I need a clue about how to write a scheme function to change the 
pitch levels of an entire “staff”?

As well as some info on what exactly c’ is and how to specify it in an alist.

Thanks again. Sorry for posting two big questions requiring help so close to 
each other. I’ll keep digging myself and post if I come up with a solution 
myself. Fun to dig into lisp scheme again after not playing for a long time.


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