I'am a little confused- some years ago topposting was not much appreciated  in 
this mailing-list, has that changed?
Just installed an old version of Lilypond (2.19.83) and everything works fine 
Could it be that the latest version is not working properly on Mac OS X.14.6 
(aka 'Mojave')?
Are there other Mac users who can confirm this?

> Am 30.07.2021 um 15:44 schrieb Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net>:
> Ole,
> did you use the Finder to move it there? Or did you put it in the 
> applications folder by other means?
> The page referenced by Hans Åberg clearly states that (for their case) one 
> MUST use Finder to move it somewhere or Apple's AppTranslocation  will kick 
> in apparently (likely because only Finder will influence some internal flag 
> to monitor 'downloaded' applications).
> kind regards,
> Hans
>> On 30 Jul 2021, at 15:25, ole <m...@oleschmidt.info> wrote:
>>>> Am 30.07.2021 um 13:46 schrieb Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com>:
>>>>> On 30 Jul 2021, at 11:43, ole <m...@oleschmidt.info> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I'am a longtime time-to-time Lilypond user and now all of a sudden I 
>>>> get the following error warning:
>>>> dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../lib/libintl.8.dylib
>>>> Referenced from: 
>>>> /var/folders/41/ytq6d2yj2fxf1cqm4kb39j0h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/554AB271-F356-4CB6-9E71-0522C01B4E23/d/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/lilypond
>>>> Reason: image not found
>>>> What am I missing?
>>>> I'am on a Macbook Pro 2019, Mac OS X.14.6 aka Mojave
>>>> Thanks for hints!
>>> Maybe this has something to do with it.
>>> https://wiki.keyboardmaestro.com/assistance/Translocation_Problem
>> Thank for the link, but I had a earlier version of Lilypond running on this 
>> machine and Lilypond lives in the 'applications' folder as Apple wants..

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