On 2021-07-16 10:49 pm, Brent Annable wrote:
Any other thoughts?
Does this approach help?
\version "2.22.0"
song =
<< \new ChordNames \chordmode { c2 d:7 | g1 }
\new Voice \fixed c' { g2 a4 fis | g1 } >>
\paper {
indent = 0 line-width = 2\in ragged-right = ##f
originalScoreTitleMarkup = \scoreTitleMarkup
scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \left-column {
\originalScoreTitleMarkup \fromproperty #'header:extra }
\score { \header { piece = "Duis blandit lorem" } \song }
\score { \header { piece = "Curabitur condimentum"
extra = \markup \vspace #0.5 } \song }
\score { \header { piece = "Integer sit amet" } \song }
The strategy is to define a new header variable that gets vertically
appended to the normal score markup. Normally, this variable would be
undefined and result in an empty stencil that causes no additional
spacing. But supplying a suitable value for the property would let you
apply spacing to a particular score.
-- Aaron Hill