Le 16/07/2021 à 10:01, Bernhard Kleine a écrit :
I cannot discern what is wrong in the following example: There are two
errors: the slur is not shown and the unterminated hyphen seems very
strange. The overall structure is from Frescobaldi Partitur assistant.
Regards Bernhard
\version "2.21.1"
\language "deutsch"
\header {
title = "Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen"
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
global = {
\key b \major
\time 4/4
soprano = \relative c'' {
% Die Noten folgen hier.
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
a4 a8 \slurDashed (c) g4 g |
\slurDashed is like an \override. You have to put it
before the note with the slur:
a8( c)
\once \slurDashed
a8( c)
or (to have it like a \tweak):
a8\single\slurDashed( c)