Also looking good. Well-formed user stories. Helping each other is fine. You are going to have to allocate a %effort though (sorry to be such an authoritarian, but as I explained it's not a group project). For this exercise, concentrate on the ideas when allocating effort. It's beautifully formatted, but the ideas count for the stories.
See if you can get her to be a collaborator for your github repo, or it'll make giving you both credit really hard. Or have a repo each. But we must keep an audit trail of who did what. NJB/. On Thursday, 15 July 2021 17:17:42 BST Keith Smith wrote: > Is there anyway to generate MIDI Position markers in the MIDI output? > > My use case is that \unfoldRepeats only works for simple "\repeat volta > ...{" constructs. In compositions that have D.S. Coda, etc the > structure of the composition is lost in MIDI. I import the MIDI from > lilypond into my DAW (Reaper) and then cut and paste to get the > structure back. My DAW will also import MIDI Position Markers if > available. If I could generate these directly from lilypond then it > would be very useful as I would be able to find where I need to cut and > paste the lilypond MIDI in my DAW. > > Thanks, -- The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401