On 2021-07-01 10:44 pm, Aaron Hill wrote:
Also, here's a minor refactor of \localFontSize better separating some
\version "2.22.0"
localFontSize =
(font-size music)
(number? ly:music?)
(map (lambda (m)
(ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
(cons `(font-size . ,font-size)
(ly:music-property m 'tweaks))))
(extract-typed-music music 'rhythmic-event))
soprano = \fixed c' { f4 g a b c'2 }
tenor = \fixed c' { d4 e \tweak color #red f' g <g a>2 }
{ \partCombineChords \soprano }
{ \stemUp \localFontSize -3 \tenor }
The test case below includes an inline \tweak and a chord within the
tenor part.
-- Aaron Hill