Le 11/06/2021 à 22:58, Vaylor Trucks a écrit :
This might be a bug that's already know but I wanted to check to see
if anyone has a workaround.
If you follow a multi-bar percent repeat with a grace note, the result
it that the last measure is squashed a bit.
Without the grace note everything is equally spaced.
Here's a small example that illustrates what I am seeing.
\version "2.22.0"
up = \drummode {
\repeat percent 3 { sn8[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn] }
\grace sn8( sn8)[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn]
\score { << \new DrumStaff << \up >> >> }
A simple workaround would be:
\version "2.22.0"
up = \drummode {
\repeat percent 3 { sn8[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn] }
\once \override Staff.BarLine.extra-spacing-width = #'(-1 . 0)
\grace sn8( sn8)[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn]
\score { << \new DrumStaff << \up >> >> }