Le 05/06/2021 à 15:32, Knute Snortum a écrit :
On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 12:24 AM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

Le 05/06/2021 à 01:44, Knute Snortum a écrit :
Hi all,

I am trying to engrave a turn with a flat above it, all under a slur.
I can't seem to get it no matter what I try.  Here is a fairly minimal

\version "2.22.1"
\language "english"

\relative c'' {
    \key ef \major
    \time 12/8
    \partial 8 bf8( |
    \once \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
    c,8^\turn^\markup { \flat } c'4 g8 bf4. af4 g8) |

The turn is inside (below) the slur, but not that flat. It seems like
the slur is leaving enough room for the flat, but the flat won't go
below the slur. Any suggestions?

When the TextScript has an outside-staff-priority,
its alignment is fixed by other means than avoid-slur.

\version "2.22.0"
\language "english"

\relative c'' {
    \key ef \major
    \time 12/8
    \partial 8 bf8( |
    \once \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
    \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
    c,8^\turn^\markup { \flat } c'4 g8 bf4. af4 g8) |

That's perfect Jean, thanks! I did fool around with
outside-staff-priority, but always with a number.  I didn't know it
could take a value of false.

To the list again, in the Internals Reference for TextScript
under outside-staff-priority, it says it takes a number but there's no
mention of it taking a boolean.  Did I miss something or is this a
possible improvement to the manual?

This is in fact not specific to outside-staff-priority:
all kinds of properties accept '() and #f in addition to
the values matched by their type predicate. Think
\override SomeGrob.stencil = ##f (what the \omit shortcut does).
This is a way to signal that the property has no particular
value; when the property is not set (such as outside-staff-priority
for a NoteHead), it is taken to be '(). So, in most cases (there
can be subtle exceptions), a property can be unset by setting
it to '(). #f is generally equivalent and often used; there
is a lot of inconsistency in LilyPond between #f and '()
that we should probably think about someday.

So, when you set outside-staff-priority to #f, it becomes
as though the grob does not have any outside-staff-priority
Then, the functions using that property stop affecting the
grob in question.


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