Hi Paul,

This works
for what you are after I believe.

musicB = {
    \new PianoStaff  <<
        { \new Staff = "right"  {

            \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
             c'1-\markup "blue"
            \stopStaff   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #magenta
          \startStaff  { c'1-\markup "Magenta" }

Shane Brandes

On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 10:38 AM Paul McKay <plm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I am working on some Haydn piano music and want to distinguish between
> urtext and my version music. (I plan to write out the variations I use when
> I repeat.) A neat way to do it would be to change the colour of the staff
> lines. I can't find a way that works. I can change the colour easily enough
> at the beginning of the staff, but it doesn't seem possible to change it
> thereafter. For what I want to achieve, it would be fine to start a new
> staff but it would need to look like a continuation of a previous one. Here
> is what I've tried so far. I'd like the final version to have two
> contiguous bars where the staff colour matches what's indicated by the
> markup.
> Thanks in advance.
> Paul
> \version "2.22.0"
> % Change staff color
> musicA = {
>     \new PianoStaff  <<
>         { \new Staff = "right"  {
>             \accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
>             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
>             { c'1-\markup "blue" }
>           } \new Staff = "rong" { % Calling this one "right" too, doesn't
> change anything.
>               \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #magenta
>             { c'1-\markup "Magenta" }
>         }
>         }
>     >>
> }
> musicB = {
>     \new PianoStaff  <<
>         { \new Staff = "right"  {
>             \accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
>             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
>             { c'1-\markup "blue" }
>               \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #magenta
>             { c'1-\markup "Magenta" }
>         }
>         }
>     >>
> }
> \score {
>     { \musicA \musicB }
>      \layout { indent = #0
>                   \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
>      }
> }

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