On 2021-06-02 1:21 pm, Federico Sarudiansky wrote:

I have a question regarding \partCombine.

Consider the following example:


Is there a way to produce something like the third staff (except for the
double forte) using only \partCombine? I.e. something like setting a
mininum "a2" length? I like the results of the first staff regarding
dynamics but I feel the constant on/off of the "a2" is a little annoying.

I know I can avoid the "a2" setting an empty text with \set Staff.aDueText = ##f and then restore it to its previous value. But I wonder if there is
another option. Even in this case, if no "a2" is present, it would be
really nice to have the two voices explicit, to avoid confusion.

I would imagine \partCombineApart (or its kin) can help with this.

-- Aaron Hill

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