Hi, This is my first post here and I hope this question has not already been answered.
I want to add harmonic analysis under my scores, something like that: [image: Screenshot from 2021-06-02 14-55-24.png] To achieve that I have used the script at the bottom of this mail. Something I had to do to align those texts properly though is: \new Dynamics \with { \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-3 } Without this override, I get this result: [image: Screenshot from 2021-06-02 14-55-06.png] Is there any way to have automatic alignment without having to use *Y-offset* override? Thanks in advance, Stéphane SOPPERA The full script: \version "2.20.0" #(define-markup-command (degree-text layout props degree indices) (markup? markup-list?) "Harmonic analysis DEGREE with exponents INDICES. Input DEGREE is usually a simple string: e.g. VII. Input INDICES a list of simple strings: e.g. (6 4)." (displayScheme indices) (let ((indices (if (= 1 (length indices)) (list (car indices) (markup #:null)) indices))) (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup { \vcenter #degree \vcenter \fontsize #-3.5 \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.4) \right-column #indices }#}))) << \new Staff \relative { c'1 | d | e | } \new Dynamics \with { \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-3 } { s1_\markup { \degree-text I {6 4 -3} } | s_\markup { \degree-text VII {2} } | s_\markup { \degree-text III {} } | } >>